Google Webmaster Conference Mountain View: Product Summit

I had the privilege to attend the Google Webmaster Conference Mountain View: Product Summit on November 4, 2019. First off I want to thank Google team for organizing this and inviting me to be there, I wanted to make sure I remember most of the things and I took some notes about the event to […]

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Yesterday at Google campus!

Visiting Google

Here’s me trying to write a blog post about my visit at Google campus. There is nothing that I can say because those are the rules and they made sure to make me sign an NDA. I will share some photos from outside (of course) because that’s how it works if you want to visit.

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Illustrated Tourist Map of California, San Jose – 1927

This is something interesting that I need to share it, here for a full-size picture.

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Gardens and Parks in San Jose

The List of Gardens and Parks in San Jose is a page for anyone interested or visiting San Jose, these are open to the public almost all the time.

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