Computer sciences The core concepts of the computer sciences can be found here. Some channels teach you about math operations, including a lot of playlists with different math topics. The same goes for math and physics closely related to computers and hardware. Perfect if you want to learn about the deepest terms.
CPU’s, motherboards, monitors, keyboards, mouses, PC’s/Laptops and all about hardware. Modems and routers can be also found here, as well as the newest phones and other technological gadgets. Get recommendations and price/quality comparisons about these products.
Tutorials about audio and video making. Includes wide topics, such as design, animation, rendering, hardware and more. Using the most popular and the best software to create stunning video animations, well-produced songs and stuff related to these topics. OBEDIA Content about: Audio, Hardware Featured playlists: PreSonus Studio One Tutorials, Cubase Tutorials, Ableton Tutorials by OBEDIA, Cakewalk Sonar Tutorials. Black Mixture Content about: […]
Web design tutorials are listed in the web development section. But, of course, the digital design is incredibly big, including nice pictures and draw representations about a famous person or attractive promotional videos. Get the knowledge about how to do these things and be a professional with design programs.
Your professional side can be reinforced while watching these tutorials. It’s important to know how to manage you money and keep track of it, as well as tips to get the job you want or start one by yourself. Find also coding/design/tech companies interview methods. Content about: Job searching, General skills, Life tips Featured playlists: Searching For […]
Internet connection and networking is a wide topic, and it’s common to get stuck while learning about this. Get awesome playlists and videos about both software and hardware to know how does the internet connection and networking works. How to properly set a modem/router and what are the IPs, DNS and more. Net VN Content about: […]
This is a wide topic. In this section, you can find YouTubers who teach about game development programs (Unity, Unreal Engine, etc.), core concepts in different programming languages (JavaScript, HTML5, Java) and art/design creation, 3D modelling and much more.